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Cranborne Audio Brick Lane 500 (New)

Cranborne Audio Brick Lane 500

Regular price £599.00 inc VAT
Regular price £0.00 Sale price £599.00 inc VAT

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500 Series analogue PWM Compressor with 6 operating modes and variable Stress control for harmonically-enriched compression effects.

The Brick Lane 500 represents a quantum leap in analogue compression - a fully-analogue PWM Compressor that transcends traditional dynamics control methodologies through its revolutionary Modal PWM Compression architecture.

Imagine a single compressor that isn't just a compressor - but an entire compression arsenal compressed into one revolutionary module. The Brick Lane 500's Modal PWM Compression is like having six legendary hardware compressors at your fingertips, each with its own distinct personality, sonic signature, and dynamic DNA. Each mode isn't merely a setting; it's an entirely different compression philosophy.

Every mode effectively rewires your patchbay and brings you a totally different style of compression, featuring unique compression ballistics that fundamentally transform the unit's behaviour. Attack and release controls morph dramatically across modes - from glacially slow Vari-Mu-style curves to lightning-fast FET-like responsiveness. Compression ratios dance between gentle 2:1 nudges and aggressive 20:1 sonic obliterations. The knee characteristics shift from buttery-smooth rounded edges to razor-sharp precision.

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